About us

“Behestan Darou, as a member of Behphar Holding Group, is determined to have a significant impact on improving the quality of life of our compatriots by continuously providing health-oriented services.”

what we do

Supply of medicine

Supplying drugs from the world’s largest and most reliable pharmaceutical companies that use the latest and most efficient science in the world to treat severe diseases.

Improving health

Improving the level of community health through regular and continuous supply of vital drugs and facilitating access

High Quality

Guaranteeing the supply of vital drugs with the best quality and the most appropriate cost

human capitals

Empowering human capital by providing educational infrastructure and creating a safe, progressive and creative environment

Improving community health

Tireless effort, providing innovative solutions and commitment to maintaining and improving the health of society


Adhering to the rules and regulations of law-making authorities and observing the principles of professional ethics